Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The New York Times/June23.2013/Veronika Minger

A Heaven for Salmon, and for Salmon Fishers              

The remote Kola Peninsula in western Russia which is a paradise for fly fishermen pursuing rare wild Atlantic salmon.  The anglers have to take a special Russian military helicopter from Murmansk to access the remote fishing base camps at the Ponoi River.  This river is in a military area where commercial fishing is prohibited and no roads lead to the river.  
This is a destination for devoted fly fisherman for a once in a lifetime fishing trip.  During prime fishing weeks, camp fees can exceed $13,000.  
The Ponoi River is above the Arctic Circle at 67 degrees latitude, and from late May until July, the sun never sets, which allows anglers to fish day and night.  
The fly fisherman fish from the boat with a special spay casting fly fishing rods. All fishing is catch and release only.  Due to the prohibition of commercial fishing and the catch and release fishing restriction for recreational fisherman, the number of Atlantic salmon entering this river during their annual migration from saltwater to freshwater has steadily increased over the past 20 years. 
The main attraction for tourist angler to travel to this river is the extraordinarily high daily catch rates.  Even less experienced fly fisherman usually catch around 10 fish a day which compares very favorably to other rivers with Atlantic salmon runs.

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