Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Email for a recomendation

Hi George,

How are you? It was nice meeting you at the Yale club last week. 
I think you had same valuable feed back about carrier path and I would like to get more advice from you whenever is convenient to you.
I wanted to follow up to see if you came across advertising/marketing positions. I have attached my resume for you to look at or pass on. 

Thank you for your help.

Alma Bernan


  1. What about..
    Hi George,
    Hope you are well. It was nice meeting you last week at the Yale Club. You had valuable feedback about my career path and would be open to any advice or opportunities in advertising/marketing.

    Please find my resume attached. Feel free to pass this on. If you are available I would love to discuss your thoughts.

    Thank you for your recommendations,
