Tuesday, July 9, 2013

HW 3rd wk Memo#2 Draft 2 Kwan

To: Ed Ditter      Date: 2 May
Subject: Reschedule the marketing meeting           From: Ike Cantwright

Are you available on 20th for the marketing meeting? I thought I could come back by 18th; however, I've got to stop off in St. Louise to talk about the satellite Project. Therefore I am not sure now whether I will be back by 18th or even the 19th. I've tried calling you, but your assistant couldn't speak about your schedule. Please let me know what's best for you.

P.S - The National Sales Conference is going to be in the Bahamas this year , rather than Topeka.

To: Ed Ditter      Date: 2 May
Subject: Reschedule the marketing meeting           From: Ike Cantwright

Are you available on 20th for the marketing meeting? I thought I could back by 18th, however I've got to stop off in St. Louise to talk about the satellite Project. Therefore I am not sure now whether I will be back by 18th or even the 19th. I've tried call you, but your assistant couldn't speak about your schedule. please let me know what's best for you.

P.S - The National Sales Conference is going to be in the Bahamas this year , rather than Topeka.

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